Will Scott Taylor Stay Silent on Health Care Issues?

310,700 of Scott Taylor’s Constituents Should Wonder If Their Freedom to Get Health Insurance Is Safe This Independence Day
The Fourth of July is a time for all Americans to celebrate our independence and everyone’s inalienable right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Since the passage of the Affordable Care Act, millions of Americans have had enjoyed the freedom that comes with the peace of mind knowing that whatever health complications arise, insurers couldn’t turn them down for coverage.
But last year Scott Taylor voted to allow insurers to discriminate against people who have pre-existing conditions. And now, as the Trump Administration escalates its attempts to undermine protections for people with pre-existing conditions and a vacancy on the Supreme Court could undermine the Affordable Care Act even further, Scott Taylor is silent about an issue voters overwhelmingly care about.
“Virginians with pre-existing conditions like me deserve access to necessary and lifesaving care,” said Stacey Salant, a local Virginia Beach resident and endometrial cancer survivor. “But Representative Scott Taylor seems to care more about giving tax cuts to drug insurance companies than making sure the very people he represents have access to health care.”
Of the 310,700 people living with pre-existing conditions in Taylor’s Second district, 39,200 are children under the age of 18. Over 62,000 of district residents are between the ages of 55 and 64 and have a pre-existing condition, meaning Republican attacks on these protections will create hardship for our neighbors as they are approach Medicare age.
Recent polling makes it clear that health care is a top issue in the midterm elections, yet Congressman Taylor has made it clear that he wants to take us back to a time when insurance companies had were able to discriminate against health care consumers even further.