Scott Taylor’s Tax Debt Shows His Focus Isn’t on the District

Is “Everything in Washington” More Important than Families in Hampton Roads?
Recently, Bill Bartel of the Virginian-Pilot revealed that Rep. Scott Taylor has been delinquent on local property taxes for almost a year, owing nearly $12,000 to Norfolk and Virginia Beach treasurers. Bartel quoted Scott Taylor’s spokesman waving away the large tax debt by claiming “he just got caught up with everything in Washington”.
“Maybe if Scott Taylor wasn’t so “caught up with everything in Washington” he would listen to the people he represents telling him that the policies he supports are terrible for families in the Second District,” said For Our Families Spokeswoman Tory Brown. “Congressman Taylor’s votes to repeal the Affordable Care Act and to pass a huge tax cut for the rich and powerful are making our community poorer and less healthy – all so he could hand over big tax cuts to powerful special interests and campaign donors.
Taylor’s $11,842 debt may seem like a paltry amount for someone like Taylor who earns tens of thousands of dollars in rental income on the multiple properties he owns, but in context of his policy positions and what local residents can expect, the number is stark. According to an analysis of the Tax Bill that Taylor supported, for the bottom 60 percent of earners, the average tax cut next year will be a mere $420. Additionally, administrative chaos and legislative meddling by Taylor and his fellow Republicans means health insurance premiums are surging again, projected to cost Virginia’s families $1,300 more on their health care.
Brown continued, “Congressman Taylor isn’t focused on us, he’s focused on Washington and helping Republicans and the Trump Administration sabotage our health care to give special favors to wealthy interests. His failure to pay his fair share of taxes is a perfect symbol of his failure to pay attention to struggling families in our community.”